Home The Allen Pavilion Houston, TX Architect: HOK, TX (Hellmuth Obata Kassabaum) Builder: GT Leach Product: ShapeShell™-RT Area: 4,730 m² Application: Facade, Roof & Soffit Responsibility: Design, Engineer & Manufacture of Feature Elements Details The Allen embraces its location next to Buffalo Bayou Park through design and connections. The buildings’ sleek, contoured forms mimic the undulating, organic rhythm of the bayou. Elevated terraces and ground-level patios provide visible and physical links to the park’s trails and greenways. An innovative cladding system, never used before in the United States, lends the retail pavilion and tower podium a cohesive, modern expression. In placing the tower on a podium, the design reduces the verticality of the building at street level, helping integrate it with nearby buildings and preserve the scale of the neighborhood. All parking is strategically located either below grade or within the podium, enhancing the overall pedestrian experience within the development.